Enrico Rivetto
We run the vineyard with a better Ecosystem, means never use chemical, or systematic treatments for our land.
Our winery is located on the top of Lirano Hill, 400 meters above sea level, at the border of Barolozone. The soil composes with Serralunga, Calcareous and rich clay to become Marl. The 15 hectare vineyard consists 6 hectares of woodland, 6 hectares of nut trees and 1 hectare of assorted crops.
We plant 1) Barley, Oatsand Clover for the revival of soil, and maintain the softness of soil for healthy roots of vines. The natural resources used to neutralize the harsh environmental effects; for instance, herbs emanate fragrance to attract good insects, thus micro biotic effect purifies the environment; also could beagents to resist the harmful organism and help proliferation of positive elements (seeing bees as emblem of healthy gardening).
2) The various trees, including Oak, Hornbeam, Maple, Lime, Birch, Kaki, Nuts, Ginkgo and shrubs represent the circulation of ecosystem enhance the works of macro-fauna and micro-organisms.